On the weekend of May 21 & 22, the Bonsai Society of Portland had it's annual show at the Portland Japanese Garden. Here are a few pictures.
A kusianum in bloom. We had hoped to have satsuki on display, but the weather didn't cooperate.
This is a huge collected hemlock.
On Saturday evening, the show was critiqued by Ryan Neal. This katsura was his choice for best in show.
A very old apple tree stump, in bloom.
Shore pine
Voted best deciduous tree in the show.
Voted best conifer in the show.
I have grouped the shohin trees together. Sometimes, getting close enough to show the detail of the tree leaves no size reference.
Voted best shohin.
Great photos; I think you got all of them! I had to leave Saturday night before Ryan began his critique. I am very curious as to what Ryan said about the Katsura. Can you comment?